Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Hi and Welcome!

Welcome to my new art blog! I've been blogging for quite awhile on other subjects, but decided I wanted a place to showcase all my stuff.  And maybe hopefully inspire you all as well! 

This blog will mostly be a showcase, but I might also include some how-to's or tips occasionally as well.  I'm going to try to post at least once a week for now, but we'll see. 

A little bit about me: Hi, my name is Jenny, or you can call me my moniker, Juliababyjen, or just Jen, or Julia...heck you can even call me Baby if you want to!  I'm a 37 year old married mother of 4.  My current gig is a part time chef for a senior assisted living facility, which I love!  I'm also really big in the book world, am on 2 different author street teams, have a blog, I Booktube (bookish videos on YouTube) and I volunteer a lot. 

In my spare time, somewhere in there, I like to make art.  I've been making and creating things forever, since I was an itty bitty little preschooler.  My mom really encouraged our creativity, and gave us projects as "homework" daily. When I was in high school, I took several art classes and loved it--but eventually, I had to drop them to keep up with my college prep courses. Which actually did me no good in the long run anyways, so yeah. Bummer.

When I was a young mother I started journaling.  Now we have an actual term for it: Artistic journaling. My journals were a mash up of doodles, drawings, poems, lists, musing, thoughts..whatever was in my brain at the time I guess!  I kept up with those in my free time, but about 10 years I ago I stopped doing almost anything creative.  I went through a rather rough time for awhile, which I'm not going to get into, but it was a bunch of crap all happening at one basically!

Our family and I came out of it okay, and we moved and started over about a year ago in a little town. And then, this last January, I was on YouTube and learned about "Mail Art," "Mixed Media," "Art Journaling," "Altered Art"....and I thought, I really need to try this stuff!

So here I am now, 6 months later having the time of my life with all this art "stuff!" I've tried loads of different techniques, learned about new mediums, and made a ton of fun new art friends! I'm constantly learning something new, and a lot of that is due to this great art community I'm in. Friends make anything so much better!

So let's get this party started!


  1. Hi Jenny... Welcome to the Blog World.
    My name is Sonia (call me Sony) from Puerto Rico... I have a blog too:
    Hugs, Sony

  2. Cool, I'll check it out Sony!
