Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Daily Drawing

I've gotten inspired to go back to basic drawing as of late. It started with my mom finding a beautiful picture I drew in high school. She's cleaning out her house because she just moved, and she wanted to know if i wanted it. Of course I did, it is a beautiful large picture that took my 4 months to do. Here it is if you're curious:

So I posted this on my Facebook, just because I am proud of it and I'd completely forgotten about it! And a bunch of my friends really encouraged me to pick up a pencil and start drawing again!

At the same time, the admin in my Art Exchange group started doing daily sketches and uploading them to our group for opinions. I thought this was a great idea--if you want to improve something, you need to practice! So I decided I would try to draw something every day.

I am through my first week, and I did draw every day but Friday. So not bad! With the exception of Lorraine, these drawing were all done on regular copy paper, with  No. 2 pencil and regular eraser. I added colored pencils to Lorraine's drawing. Proving that art can be really simple!


"Lorraine"--Vintage Fashions

"Lorraine in Winter Wonderland"



"Polar Bear"

I'm not sure what my favorite is...I really do love Celeste, but the Rose turned out great too! On Tuesday I drew Lorraine, but decided there was too much white space, so I drew her a background on Wednesday.  The Polar Bear was my least favorite, I was having issues with him. I actually spent Sunday night working on him for 2 hours, before I gave up..I finished him on Monday morning and eventually, just had to call it good. Maybe I'll go back later and try to fix him up a bit, but for now I just had to leave it!

I'm really enjoying the practice, and plan on trying to continue this sketchbook for awhile!

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