Tuesday, July 22, 2014

The Cupcake ATC Swap

My favorite art group I'm a part of is called Art Exchange, Happy Mail Group.  Basically its all about art swaps and happy mail swaps, and it is SO FUN!!! 

A recent swap we did was the "Cupcake ATC" swap. We usually have a weekly ATC swap of some kind. I don't do them all, but I had to do the cupcake one!

This is what I made for my partner, Bridgitte Gaudin

This was a simple free clip art that I downloaded and then printed off.  I embellished it with glitter and paint pens, and added lace around the border.  Simple, but really cute and fun!  I also send her a bunch of goodies with it, here's a sneak peek pic of them:

I don't think she's received it yet, but hopefully soon!

I did receive Bridgitte's though! 

Isn't it sooo cute?? She also sent me some fun ribbon as well! 

This was a fun swap, and made me hungry for cupcakes!


  1. Love cupcakes. The Cupcake ATC is Absolutely BEAUTIFUL!!! <3
    I'm member to Art Exchange Happy Mail
    Hugs, Sony

  2. Thanks, they were so cute and fun to do!
